How to start the integration
With the following instructions, you will be able to integrate your store on the Idosell platform with iPresso. Follow the steps indicated.
- Log in to your iPresso account and in the main panel click Integration Center, then go to e-commerce integration and click "activate" next to Idosell integration.
- In the integration status spot, switch to integration enabled, then fill in your store's authorization data (Store Login, password and domain).
Webhook configuration
- In the next step, download the webhook configuration and follow the instruction below the "Download Webhook Configuration" button. In addition, below "Assign consents to store", re-enter your store's domain and assign email and sms consents to it. In the case of integration with Idosell, the first import of contacts should be done manually, new contacts will be added automatically to iPresso (instructions - Import from CSV file)
- In the last step correctly configure webhooks on your Idosell store, below illustrations of correct configuration:
Illustration 1.
Illustration 2.
Illustration 3.
Illustration 4.
Illustration 5.
Illustration 6.
Illustration 7.
Illustration 8.
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