Available Templates
In addition to advanced options that allow you to create your own HTML form code or a form dedicated solely to API handling, you can use ready-made templates that will simplify the visual editing of the form.
By selecting a given template, you will be taken to the 'fields' tab. In this tab, you can see the items that will appear on the form. Most templates already have predefined starting fields. This helps to create the form much faster, especially for those you will use most frequently.
If you want to add another field, click the blue button – 'Add new field' and choose the type you are interested in:
- contact attribute,
- form fields,
- consent,
- coupon pool,
- file.
At this step, the order of the fields does not matter. Additionally, remember that when adding a new form field, only those that have already been defined and configured in the 'Fields Definitions' tab in the main tab of new forms will be available for selection.
You can customize each field individually to suit your requirements and preferences by clicking on the settings.
In the settings, you can use conditional showing or hiding of a field based on the value of another field. You can also specify whether:
- the field should be mandatory,
- the entered information must be in the format of an email address or a URL,
- the field can contain a minimum or maximum number of characters.
The tab where you can define the appearance of the form. Depending on the template you have chosen, you have different options for modifying the appearance.
At the very top, there are four options:
- form settings,
- thank you page settings,
- additional appearance settings,
- dimension settings.
Form settings
In this tab, you can see a list of all the fields that are present on the form. The list consists of all the fields you defined in the 'fields' tab, the save button, and any number of additional elements.
Additional elements can include an image, header, paragraph, link, or a snippet of JavaScript code:
You can change the order of the fields freely by dragging a specific field up or down, and you can expand each option to see a range of modification options.
For form fields, in addition to the standard settings, you also have the option to choose the type of field. For text attributes, this includes a text field or a large text field.
For the form field 'one of many' or 'many of many', you additionally specify which options you want to add for users to choose from and how they should be displayed to the user.
In the field type, you can choose for the 'many of many' option to be visible as a checkbox field or a multiple-choice list, while for the 'one of many' option, it can be displayed as a radio button or a dropdown list.
Thank You Page Settings
In this step, you will define how the thank you view of your form should look. Here you will find exactly the same options that you had in the form settings, excluding the form fields themselves.
Additional Appearance Settings
In this tab, you have several additional options for changing the appearance of your form. Here, you can change, among other things, the background color, the color of the form fields, and the font color.
Converting to HTML
However, if you want to make additional changes that are not possible in the basic editor, you can convert it to HTML by clicking the icon on the right:
Making any modifications directly in the HTML code prevents you from going back to the visual editor (this operation is irreversible).
A notification warns you about this:
If you create an HTML form, you have the option to save that form as a template.
If you have already created and saved a template, you can reuse it by going to the main 'Templates' tab.
More information about it
You can find more information about the forms themselves and how to create them using HTML code or the API in a separate article - Using iPresso's enhanced forms version.
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