Abandoned Process Configuration
Abandoned Processes are a feature that allows marketers to recover processes that had been left unfinished, such as abandoned carts.
If you want to configure a new abandoned process navigate to Automation, and select Abandoned Processes from the menu on the left.
Select Create new process and the iPresso Studio wizard will be launched.
Configuration - Settings
In the first step, you will need to define all the settings of your process:
- Name - this will be visible only to iPresso users and will allow them to identify the process.
- Description - you may provide a description of the process here. Start date - define when the system will start to run the process.
- Stop date - define the moment at which the system will stop the process.
- Contact kind - type of contacts for whom the action will be performed. In order to be able to use contact attributes in Criteria, select the Only monitored option.
- Time to convert - the period of time between the start activity, which may for example be the first step of a product ordering process, and the conversion activity, which may for example be the purchase of the product. If the conversion activity is not performed within this period of time, the abandoned process scenario will be launched. You can select on of the following options here: define time - specify how many minutes the system should wait for the conversion activity to take place.
You can select on of the following options here:
- define time - specify how many minutes the system should wait for the conversion activity to take place,
- time/date from start activity parameter - this field may be used when the start activity allows you to collect data about the time or date of conversion.
Configuration - Activities
After defining those settings, move to Activities.
Here you can set up start activity and conversion activity.
The process will be understood by the system to be abandoned when the time between the two activities exceeds the period defined in the previous step.
Select the activity - either default or your own - from the expandable list.
Configuration - Abandonment
Move forward to configure the scenario of your abandoned process.
The methods of scenario creation are the same here as in the creation of a marketing automation scenario. However, there are two more blocks you can use:
Abandonment - is the first and obligatory block of the abandonment process scenario.
Start activity parameter - it enables you to choose and define parameters of the starting activity.
You can also check if the scenario is correct by clicking on the appropriate button.
Then you can move to the Summary, and if all the fields are green, the process is ready to be launched.
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