Depending on your needs, you can assign various tags to different contacts in your database.
You can add a tag in many different places in the system. It may be assigned to a contact, for example, during the creation of a marketing scenario, through contact edition, or by performing a relevant action on a segment.
Creating a tag
If you want to define a new tag, navigate to:
System > Dictionaries > Tags
After a moment the new tag will be recorded in the system's memory.
Assigning a tag through an action on segment.
If you want to assign a new tag to a group of contacts, all you have to do is create a segment based on relevant criteria and then add the tag via an action on segment. This action will apply to all contacts in the segment.
Searching contacts by tags in Contact Manager.
Tags can be used in advanced search option in Contact Manager.
Adding tags via Contact Manager.
If you want to assign a tag to a specific contact, you can find the contact in Contact Manager, click edit, navigate to tags, and select Add tag.
Adding tags through a campaign.
It is also worth knowing that you can add tags when creating a campaign targeted at a specific group contacts. This will allow you to track the results of your campaign.
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