Characteristics of Satellite
Satellite is a functionality which gives you an opportunity to define different types of conditions the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of which may trigger automatic launch of specific marketing actions.
These conditions are divided into external (created based on data from other sources) and internal (based on data coming from iPresso).
You can find it in the Automation tab under the following path:
Start > Automation > Satellite
Configuration - Settings
To create Satellite, click Create New Configuration.
At first you will see the settings screen - fill in the name, indicate the dates you want the configuration to work and the interval:
Specifying an interval indicates the time period the conditions should be checked by the system. This can be done in 3 ways:
- using a set number of minutes or hours:
- using a set number of days at a specific time (e.g. every two days at 12:00):
- by selecting specific days of the week and times:
Configuration - Conditions
After settings, it's time for conditions:
External conditions
In this case, data is collected from external sources - e.g. from weather forecast providers or the European Central Bank (regarding current exchange rates). The external condition will be fulfilled, for example, once the temperature in the selected city exceeds a value you specify:
- weather - point to a location and click search:
after selecting a location, indicate the weather conditions:
- exchange rates - indicate the base and target currency (to choose from PLN, EUR and USD):
then indicate the price comparison to the current value or the difference relative to the previous day.
Internal conditions
Internal conditions are related to data coming directly from iPresso and concern the size of the contact segment created in the system.
Select the segment you created earlier and determine the size of the segment achievement of which will fulfill the condition:
For a single configuration, you can create both external and internal conditions to be measured simultaneously:
Fulfillment the conditions described above, may trigger the automatic activation or deactivation of an action specified by you, based on a marketing automation scenario.
Configuration - Features
After defining the conditions, go to the Features section. Here, select the scenario for which this configuration should be applied:
In this section, you will also specify what status the scenario should have once the conditions are met. There are three statuses available:
- enabled once conditions are met; a subsequent change in conditions will not affect its status.
- disabled once conditions are met; the subsequent change of conditions will not affect its status. Once disabled, the item cannot be restarted.
- enabled or disabled - the item will be enabled once conditions are met and disabled once conditions are not met. In this mode, the item can change its status multiple times depending on changes in the conditions.
IMPORTANT: in order for a scenario to appear on the items list, in its settings you
have to indicate The period for receiving contacts -> Determined by iPresso Satellite:
In the API Key field enter any value in English.
Configuration - Summary
The last tab is the summary. Check if all elements are configured correctly - this is indicated by the green color. If the color is red, the item needs to be improved:
After saving the configuration, it will appear in the list of working versions. To launch it, click the blue launch button:
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