Characteristics of actions in a mobile application
Actions in apps are a mechanism similar in action to actions on the website. Both mechanisms respond in real time to user activity. In the case of in-app actions on the actions performed in the application.
An example of this would be having a mobile app of an online store. The store has a promotion on selected goods and you would like to inform the customer about it after entering the app. With our in-app actions, you can display such a message to the user, along with redirection to the appropriate place in the application, and encourage him to purchase the promotional product.
In order to install the application and implement the action on the website, follow our documentation mobile API or report to us using the Jira system.
How to launch an action in the app?
To launch an action on the site, go to Channels > Actions in the app > Create a new action.
Setup - Settings
To begin with, the system will direct you to Settings:
Here you configure:
- name: this is internal information in the iPresso panel, it helps to identify the action in question
- description: this is also internal information in the iPresso panel, it can be helpful when the name alone is not enough
- tags: this is internal information in the iPresso panel, also helps identify the action. We can give several actions the same tag, and then through segmentation we can extract users who met the criteria of those actions.
- type of contacts: you can choose from all contacts or only anonymous or monitored contacts
- groups of actions in the application: allow you to manage the order in which the actions are displayed, to be set in Automation > Actions in the application > Groups (see below for a detailed description of this functionality)
- start date: from what day and time the action is to be launched
- end date: by what day and time the action is to be launched
- application: select a previously added application in which the action can be triggered.
- quiet hours: the time when the action will not be executed. Can be used, for example, for weekend actions - if you want to display a particular action only on weekends, you just need to set silent hours from Monday to Friday. You need to configure them in advance under System > Dispatch settings > Quiet hours
- capping: limit of action display on the page
In this case, the action will be displayed a maximum of once every 24 hours, up to twice every 36 hours and no more than three times every 168 hours (week).
- action tests: allow you to perform tests on a group of recipients with the possibility of indicating the "winning" version of the action (e.g. we want to display a message and thanks to tests we can add two looks of the window and see which users are more likely to click on).
IMPORTANT: the action that is triggered in the panel the latest will be displayed first on your site. You can set several actions to execute on the page using the functionality - action groups.
Action groups
If you launch more than one action on the page and the user meets the criteria to display for several, then he will see the one that was added last (is higher in the list of all actions).
If you want to display more than one action on the page to the user within a single page view, you can use action groups:
To set up groups, go to Automation > Application Actions > Groups.
Action groups allow you to display more than one action to a user who meets their display criteria. To do this, you must assign actions to different groups in their configuration. Otherwise (if a contact meets the criteria for displaying more than one action) the one that was added to the group last will happen. Besides, in the group itself you can manage the order (priority setting) of displaying the action. So you can decide which action will display for a contact that meets the criteria for more than one of the actions in the group.
IMPORTANT: you can add actions in applications to action groups only when you save a ready action (it cannot be in draft).
Configuration - Criteria
After configuring the settings, go to the Criterion tab. Here you indicate on what basis the action should be displayed. When you want the user to be prompted immediately after entering the application, it is enough to check the display of the mobile view.
When you check the “Activity order" option, then in order to display the action on the page, the criteria will have to be met in the indicated order.
The types of criteria available will vary depending on the type of contacts selected in the action settings (for all, only monitored or only anonymous).
If all or only anonymous is indicated, the available criteria will be:
- activities- actions performed by the user on the site,
- actions- caused by the action
For monitored contacts, the available types of criteria are:
- activities - actions performed by the user on the page,
- actions - caused by the operation of the iPresso system, e.g. editing a contact,
- attributes - fixed information assigned to a contact (first name, last name, e-mail, etc.).
- categories,
- tags,
- consents.
Configuration - Action
After configuring the action criteria, you need to go to the Action tab. Since iPresso mobile api is based on HTTP protocol. We require the use of JSON format as the input content.
How exactly the JSON will be structured is dependent on the application we add to iPresso. It is important that the structure be interpretable by the application. It is also important to remember that iPresso is only an intermediary between the contacts and the application. In iPresso we indicate the criteria and when a contact meets them we send information to the application to return the created JSON.
Configuration - Summary
The last tab is the summary. Here the system verifies that the action has been configured correctly:
- red color - the item requires improvement,
- yellow color - a particular configuration is worth noting, but it does not prevent the action from running,
- green color - confirms that all elements are configured correctly.
Action test on the page
Before the final launch of the action, you can run it in test mode by entering your IP address.
In order to test the action, you must meet the criteria and settings indicated in the configuration.
For more information, we invite you to watch the instructional video on our channel: LINK
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