Gathering participants for an on-line event (such as a webinar) is one of the most important factors in the success of an event. With iPresso you will do it quickly and effectively. What's more, once acquired, you will use the base for future events.
What is needed?
- Marketing consent
- Form for participants
- Email templates
- Marketing Automation Scenario
Time: 30 min - 2h
1. Prepare a marketing consent for the registration form or use an existing one
2. Create a form in iPresso and embed it on your website
3. Prepare e-mail templates
- An e-mail template with a thank-you mail for signing up and organizational information, e.g., on which platform the event will be conducted, when the link to the event will be sent
- An e-mail template for registered participants with a reminder about the upcoming event
- An e-mail template on the day of the webinar with a direct link to the event.
4. Marketing automation scenario - that is, what happens when a participant signs up:
a) entry criteria for the scenario - filling out the form
b) giving a tag to users (useful for later segmentation)
c)email sequence to participants:
- sending a “Thank You” email for signing up immediately after completing the form
- email with a reminder about the event sent 3 days before
- email on the day of the event with a reminder sent a few hours before the event
- email with link to the event one hour before the start
5. That's it! Now create a segment of registered participants and track the number of them. Select as a criterion:
- the tag used in the scenario
- or, the activity of filling out the webinar enrollment form
What else can you do in a marketing automation scenario?
- Add scenario blocks with event reminder SMS sending (for contacts who have provided a phone number)
- Add an internal notification block, e.g., to the marketing or sales team with information about a newly registered participant
- Add additional email block after the event finish and send Thank You mail for participation and recording
What else is worth doing?
- Use the collected contact database for future online events
- Create a marketing automation scenario with an email message, e.g. with an e-book or other valuable information about the company
- Save the MA scenario template and use it for future online events
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