Types of contacts - usage
Contacts can be defined depending on their type (e.g. company, person, mother, child, car). Each type can have different attributes. Contact types can be linked to each other in relationships, e.g. company-person, mother-child, owner-dog, person-car, etc.
Note: Not all businesses and contact databases require contact types, and some may not even find them useful. However, it's worth considering using them when creating a contact database.
Where to find:
System -> Dictionaries -> Contacts -> Contact Types
Adding contact types - steps
Select Add
Fill in the following fields
Name - this will be the name of the contact type and will be visible on the contact card in the Contact Manager for each contact that has it. The name should be intuitive (e.g. "company" for contacts that are companies, "left-handed" if you want to use a separate contact type other than, say, customers).
API key - name used for operations on this contact type via API (should be as short and intuitive as possible for the developer).
Contact attributes - select which attributes will have contacts of this type (you must select at least one).
Dynamic contact attributes - additional attributes (optional; although they can be most likely dynamic).
Contact type links - indicate another contact type with which the introduced type should create a relationship (e.g. you can introduce the "company" type and link it to the "person" type).
Required uniqueness of attribute - indicates an attribute that should have a unique value. -
After adding contact type, when adding a new contact through the Contact Manager, this option will be available to choose from in the "Contact Type" field.
Created contact types can be edited and deleted. Keep in mind that if there are already contacts in the database under a certain type, it may cause complications in operations on contacts wherever that type is used.
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